Cia da Mata
Like Mowgly, my Kipling's favourite character, I always felt that I belonged to the forests. The impacable harmony and aesthetics of its flora and fauna, especially from the rain forests, always fascinated me.
As a grown up, far away from that perfect world, where I used to be confortable, I start to reproduce it, each plant and each animal, just the way I felt it. This is how the cunhãs were born.
Like representatives entities from heaven, I decided named them as “cunhãs” or “ kunhãs” wich, in the native tupy language, means woman, girl or the female energy. Nature !
They represent the power, the strenght and the beauty of it. Resistant, flexible, generous, compassive, protective. The essence of Earth. The eternal cicle of birth, dead and rebirth.
They are life and must be protected.